BananaPi R64
- my 4.19 my 5.4-main and up to mainline
- images
- network (basicly same as on r2)
- links
known Issues
- pcie slot 1 (cn8) not working properly due to hardware design mistake (missing capacitors on tx lines) in v1.0 (gen1 seem to work)
- this is reported to be fixed with v1.2
- pcie slot 0 (cn25) seems to bring not enough power for mt7615 (>21dbm) without changing an resistor (link)
- instructions for fixing pcie hw-issues: http://forum.banana-pi.org/t/bpi-r64-pcie-issues/10284/99
- sgmii (lan-ports) has some problems with phylink (static ip works, dhcp not) if checking for SGMII_LINK. Current dsa-driver working without this check
- pwm7 seems not available (gpio101 not pwm)
- pwm3 is inverted and connected to fan-socket…no info how to drive correctly
en/bpi-r64/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/24 08:56 by frank